Workshop Objectives:
Active Listening is designed to create effective conversation habits that will provide your staff with the information they need to close effectively. Our RADAR© training will teach your staff to converse with the prospect, creating an environment where the prospect will sell themselves by realizing what they need, why they need it, and how your company can provide it for them.

A) Introduction to the program

B) Buying Signals
1. Hearing the Prospect Say “I’m Ready”
2. Seeing and Feeling that They are Ready
3. Getting the Prospect Psychologically into the Buying Mode

C) Warming Up the Prospect for Closing
1. Setting the Stage for “Yes”
2. Testing for When Ready
3. Trial Closes

D) Having the Prospect Close Themselves
1. Having the Prospect Form Strong Positive Opinions about You and Your Company
2. The Prospect Expresses Your Company’s Strength
3. Techniques to Close Persistently yet Gently

E) Psychological Closing Influencers
1. The Power of Yes, Yes and Yes
2. Pain and Pleasure: The Two Greatest Motivators
3. Asking for the Order

F) Review & Summary

For more information, call 888-445-8302 or e-mail us at

AAA Training for Success
347 5th Avenue, Suite 310 • New York, NY 10016
888-445-8302 •