Motivation & Enthusiasm

Successful sales begin with confidence in your product. Your account executives must be able to convey a high level of personal belief and confidence in your funds. In order to communicate that, how they speak is as important as what they say. They should not be afraid or hesitant to talk about your history, your assets under management or your success.

Workshop Objectives:
Each telephone interaction that your executives make is more than a sales call. It is an opportunity to promote a positive first impression of your company, and it certainly is an opportunity to create a lasting impression of you. The Motivation and Enthusiasm Workshop helps empower your executives to speak with confidence, work with pride, and better understand how to use your company’s successful history as a formidable sales tool.

A) Introduction to the Program

B) Why Are You Here
1. What Brought You to Grand Prix
2. What Keeps You Interested
3. What Really “Makes Your Day”

C) What Are You Doing
1. Defining Your Job
2. What Are You Expected To Do
3. What Are You Willing To Do
4. What Determines How and When You Go The Extra Mile

D) Define Success
1. Defining Professional Success
2. Describing Personal Success
3. How One Effects The Other
4. Using One To Generate The Other

E) The Power of Positive Energy
1. Recalling Success to Generate Confidence
a. What Is Your History
b. How Can You Use It To Your Advantage
2. Confidence, Pride, Enthusiasm, Interest
3. No One Will Believe You Unless You Believe In Yourself

F) Review & Summary

For more information, call 888-445-8302 or e-mail us at for sample participation.

AAA Training for Success
347 5th Avenue, Suite 310 • New York, NY 10016
888-445-8302 •