Delivering Award Winning Customer Service

Step 1: Why We Are All In The Service Business

AAA Traing for Success

  • Advantages we must communicate about the firm
  • How word of mouth and reviews can make or break a company
  • Why we want customers to speak up
  • Why even one negative comment needs to be taken very seriously and what it may mean for other customers
  • What Happens when we solve the customers issue and what it means in terms of lifetime customer retention
  • Why customers complain
  • Focusing on solutions over problems

Steps 2 and 3: Delivering On Your Service Commitment

  • Delivering A.N.A.W.A.R.D.® Winning Level of Service
  • Avoid making the customer wrong
  • Having the customer feel they are treated as an individual
  • Have customer feel you are taking personal ownership of resolving the issue
  • Have the customer express their needs
  • How your choice of language impacts what the customer hears
  • Making sure you properly heard the customer
  • Realizing what the customer may be experiencing
  • Delete the “buts” and “try” from your communication

Step 4: Implementing New Levels of Customer Service

  • Applying each of the the above with real customer interactions
  • Looking at what we do daily and how to improve it for higher satisfaction ratings